A bio-based pipe with a breakdown trigger for soil research programs so the users can decide when it degrades.

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Globally millions of meters of plastic pipes are drilled into the ground. This is done to execute environmental research for soil and groundwater quality research. After this is done, those pipes can not be extracted or removed! Every year much plastic is therefore put in the ground, leaving a risk of degradation of those plastic pipes in which micro plastic can reach our drinking water in deeper earth layers. Also, those boreholes leave a risk that shallow contaminated groundwater can reach deeper ground layers, where we extract our potable water. We calculated that only iin a small country like The Netherlands, every year an equivalent of 2.500.000 PET bottles is drilled into the soil..To combat this problem, we designed a pipe made of bio plastic with a breakdown trigger. When the pipe is no longer needed, the pipe can be filled with clay sticks with an activator. When the clay swells caused by water, the activator reached the breakdown trigger, and the pipe is 100% degraded to 100% natural substances and the borehole is 100% filled! We filed a patent just before Christmas, so now we can communicate about this great achievement.

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