Boavistacircular is a brand that reuses used cooking oil to produce effective cleaning soaps
Long description
This project turns waste into cleaning products.
Our soaps are made from recycled cooking oil collected from restaurants and households in Amsterdam.
This way, we prevent cooking oil waste from ending in our waters and soil.
It’s estimated that 1L of oil can contaminate 40.000L of water.
Cleaning products are full of chemicals, making it hard for nature to break them down completely; this circular solution stops the oil from polluting, and the result is biodegradable products.
Oil is used for cooking worldwide, so there will always be the need to discard this material; using it to produce cleaning soaps can change how we clean our homes. Using what we already have is one pillar of the circular economy; spreading the message the right way can create a community that wants to save their oils in exchange for cleaning soaps that not only clean the house but also keep the environment clean.
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