Brushkeeper with Ecobrush, the most handy and sustainable professional paintbrush suitable for acryllic and alkyd paint that cleans itself!
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Brushkeeper with Ecobrush is the most handy and sustainable paintbrush! Just put your paintbrush into the Bruishkeeper and it will stay in perfect condition for up to 5 days. For longer storage (months, years) fill the Brushkeeper with water or terpentine (depending on the paint used) and the Ecobrush will clean itself in a few days or a few minutes when shaking, and stay in perfect condition for years. Brushkeeper with Ecobrush is made out of the most sustainable and of recycleble matereials and avoids millions of throw-away brushes and as there is no need to rinse the paintbrush under the tab (the fluid in the Brushkeeper contains all microplastics from the paint and can be emptied in the waste bin) it is avoiding tons of microplastics into the environment. Also all products are made Holland with a very small CO2 footprint. With Brushkeeper and Ecobrush you always have a professional paintbrush, suitable for acryllic and alkyd paint, at hand and you help to make the planet nicer and cleaner!
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