Turning plastic waste into high quality building materials to make the outside environment cleaner and the home environment healthier.

Long description

The project idea is to create a recycling plastic hub in Malawi that manufactures high quality circular building materials. 

The idea is to focus first on plastic roof tiles/sheet opaque and translucent and then on related building materials, such as gutters for water harvesting, beams for roof structure, windows and shutters, floor/wall tiles, etc.

These building materials are circular and sustainable for different reasons:

they are made from plastic waste, with the aim of recycling and reducing the use of virgin and non-renewable material; they are designed and made to last; we want to implement a system to facilitate repair and recycling of damaged items and last but not least they will improve the health and comfort of the home environment.

The project wants to involve the community, institutions and shops to sort out the collection of any type of plastic, then the plastic will be delivered to the main recycling hub where it is washed, sorted, shredded and melted into new products. 

The space will be open for learning and experimentation to let students and designers become aware of the importance of recycling plastic waste and the opportunity of manufacturing brand new products made locally. 

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