Products made by design students from recycle paper waste.

A Proposal for CIRCULAR Sustainable Products in the Work Environment.

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Currently at the University of Nairobi, Faculty of the built Environment and Design, the Designers, Architects, Surveyors, Urban Planner are all in the same building. From observation and experience the paper consumption is highest among the students who use it as the main material of project presentation. More than 70% of the assignments done in class in the various departments, students use different types of paper as the primary material of choice. The administrative work in the building also consumes a lot of printing paper. With students and lecturers spending most of their hours indoors, the lifestyle in the building also see that an array of paper packaging for food, drinks and snacks by them is also high. Thus these individuals are contributors to paper waste in their environment. Interventions that propose circular design concepts are proposed, to use what exists for the Sustainable lifestyle for this community. These would have to start with each one of the stakeholders involved. Waste paper can be properly discarded, sorted as per various types(such as plastics, printed paper, brown paper, card paper e.t.c). and recycled materials to form new materials to build with.

[1] WDCD Research Article on What We Buy.

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