Reviving the indigenous culture of natural textile dyeing in Brazil.

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Cores Ancestrais is a social design project that supports indigenous communities and their cultural heritage. It aims to rescue textile dyeing practices, through indigenous ancestral knowledge, which is in the process of being erased. Brazilian indigenous cultures have faced numerous threats of violence throughout history and have often been forced to assimilate into European culture, leading to the loss of cultural practices, traditional languages and spiritual beliefs. The use of natural dyes by indigenous peoples in Brazil dates back to pre-colonial times, when groups of people collected materials from their surroundings to produce colors for fabrics, body paint and cultural artifacts. Currently, this traditional knowledge isn’t being passed onto future generations, leading to a loss of expertise. Destruction of natural habitats and overexploitation of colorful plants has caused a decrease in the availability of materials, leading to the loss of associated cultural knowledge.

“Cores Ancestrais” proposes natural dyeing workshops for indigenous communities in Brazil to preserve ancestral techniques of textile dyeing, preventing loss of traditional knowledge and protecting indigenous cultural heritage. This project supports local communities and economically empowers indigenous populations, provides cultural exchange and encourages circular practices in fashion design. Attendees would have an opportunity to master their techniques and learn more about their ancestors’ practices. This can be a meaningful and uplifting experience for everyone involved, providing a platform to connect with cultural heritage, share knowledge, and contribute to the preservation of ancestral traditions.

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