Diagnostic swabs made in response to Covid-19 pandemic. They are faster and more ecological to produce, and easier to implement in times of need.

Long description

The CRN_01 “Hummingbird” design is a response to the logistics crisis at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic and shortages in medical supplies. Knowledge about the development of Covid-19 pandemic depended on massively performed tests. Swabs were therefore a necessity item, and the simplification of their production – a real opportunity to support the health care sector in times of logistics crisis.

In the spirit of biomimetics, the form of the swab was inspired by the hummingbird’s tongue, adjusted to collecting nectar from flowers. The mechanics of this process and a diagnostic swab are similar enough to adapt nature’s perfect solution to human needs.

The swabs available on the market are produced in two stages: injection molded and then flocked. In order to obtain the right parameters of the smear, specific flocks are needed, and therefore also proper machines and production lines for their application. The CRN_01 project, on the other hand, has a one-step production process, faster and cheaper – just the molding. The design was optimized so that any company capable of injection molding can easily produce the swabs in times of need, without any additional equipment.

As the CRN_01 swab has a one-step production process (only injection molding) and no additional flocks, it’s made from single material. It means that it can be easily recycled and thus represents the circular economy approach, previously unavailable for those products.

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