Personalisable dog muzzle

Long description

The project has been developed as MSc. Diploma Thieses as new way of doing craft as revolt of automatic system of serial process. The project try to build new narrative against the growing culture of consumerism; by shifting consumption on buying smart and by extends the life of the product and reforming long tail economy.

This business model is a trio between second hand leather product, personalize product and fab-labs. The idea contributes to reducing waste and energy during production, to reuse old fashion leather as well as add value for a longer life of the product.

Digital Craft: is a new system that combines two disciplines Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to communicate order and digital fabrication to manufacture

Web-site: will serve as a mediator platform to co-design; by giving parameters that will allow to select feature of product according to the user’s needs and desire.

FabLab: as small digital fabrication laboratory that provide access to the environment, the skills, the materials and the advanced technology served for manufacture. Digital fabrication advantage is that is the precise production. Thus enables production to use less material and produce less waste.

Re-thinking cycle: The collection of leather materials from local micro businesses, it could be also old fashion leather product such as trousers, bag or leftover that could be cut as a strip with dimension 250 cm x 200 cm.

The case study product is: Personalize Dog Muzzle



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