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A movement and online/physical marketplace transforming consumption habits in Africa through education, entertainment, and innovative spaces.

Long description

Donkafele is a movement and a platform born in Senegal which aims to educate consumers on alternative ways of consumption and promote a more sustainable, caring, and circular economy.

Through the Donkafele mobile app, we created an online space for our community to sell and buy second-hand or up-cycled items, as well as a platform for independent designers and creators to sell their own products. Our brand new features  “swap” and “gift” will allow any user to barter or give out an item for free.

By organizing our monthly Donkafele Sunday Market, we brought that model to the physical world, with the objective of growing our community and reaching a more diverse group of people with our message.

Our mission is to reinvent an alternative circular consumption space online and offline while educating and supporting local farmers, creators, and businesses in more sustainable initiatives. By directly connecting sellers and buyers through our regulated spaces, we believe we can stimulate local sustainable economic growth while caring for our Earth and communities.

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