a relational-solution of urban forestry systems for food production and full sanitation

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Ecoporos are combined systems of food production and full sanitation for urban contexts. Easy to implement, Ecoporos were designed to integrate and expand the reach of sustainability dimensions in on-site solid waste management solutions — bringing the focus here to organic waste as inputs for the production of fresh food. Continuing the experience of several cities with Voluntary Delivery Points for solid waste (popularly known in Brazil as “Ecopontos”), the conversion of points (pontos) into pores (poros) consists in a bet on desealing and recovering the urban soils against the local effects of the climate and food crises. It is, therefore, the design of a Nature-based Solution (NbS) that starts with the implantation of modules of different composting techniques directly on areas of degraded soil to nurture it to, after 2-3 weeks, implement agroforestry systems on it — having as principles covering the soil and recovering its functionality by systemic processes. The Ecoporos also holds a place to receive recyclable materials to be destined by cooperative collectors workers in order to educate the civil society’s relation with its residues and its destinations. So, the project is: the implementation of a circular service to disinvent waste and urban food deserts into food, forests and income through access to voluntary cycling systems with combined technologies for the communal management of solid waste, reallocating significant fractions of “garbage” – currently wrong sent to landfills – simultaneously with the recovery of key ecosystems services for going through/adapting to multiple crisis scenarios.

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