First Regulated Mobile Collection Points in CDMX for urban solid waste and some special waste

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We know the niche well and we know that in Mexico City, one of the largest cities in the world, there are no “mobile collection points”, at least not that are regulated by the authority.
Our project consists of having “mobile collection points”, which are transport units with a box that will function as a container for urban solid waste and some special handling waste, with properly separated and identified compartments so that the user knows exactly where to deposit the waste. (organic waste and hazardous waste from this project are excluded).
The fundamental idea is to get as close as possible to the waste generator with the “mobile collection point” so that it does not move more than necessary and disseminate collection calendars on social networks, with data such as: 1) hours in which there will be the mobile clean point; 2) date; 3) location of the mobile clean point. In this way, the consumer will take highly recoverable waste such as PET, paper, cardboard, tin, aluminum cans, all kinds of containers, used cooking oil, electrical and electronic waste, etc. to the “mobile collection points”. At the end of the day, each “mobile collection point” will have been in different parts of Mexico City and will transfer recoverable waste to authorized collection centers. Another plus is that there is an environmental educator in each “mobile collection point”.

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