
From the repurpose of Paper and Cardboard waste, to the redesign of Public Spaces in the city

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Waste can be seen as fragmented and unusable, however, waste can become a very promising materials for the purpose of “build”. If waste belongs to public, then waste can be brought back to the community again, but in a new life.

We share this vision by collecting and repurposing Paper and Cardboard waste from the city into a modulor, that again, comes back with a fresh design and a mission to contribute to the public spaces of the city. This design invites everyone to join, from the early stage of harvesting household materials, to making the products, and even until using them. The modulor allows flexibility, temporality, adaptation and up for changes by time, the people therefore involve in not only using the space but also making it, they are the ones who own the space.

As a specific case, we are presenting a design prototype of the carpet tubes as waste, in order to demonstrates this idea.

Speaking of materials, Paper and Cardboard itself can be recycled easily, in addition to that, extend their lives and avoid using different new materials in designing public space is our notion of contributing to a sustainable and circular city.


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