A user-friendly educational game for all ages - let’s become responsible food consumers together!

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With food waste being a problem at large, our distorted perception of edibleness in fruit is detrimental. Many have grown up with an eye for perfection in the appearance of fruit, desiring blemish-free crops over natural looking fruit. As a result, completely fresh and edible produce is being unnecessarily thrown away for its poor appearance. Proposing a solution to this present problem in Melbourne, Australia, we present FruitMate; a fun and free mobile game to educate supermarket shoppers on the responsible consumption of fruits. FruitMate is a relaxed, collection-type game which focuses on the player collecting fruit characters and engaging in simple activities to learn about food waste and how they can minimise their negative impact. Players can complete daily in-game tasks, such as cleaning up their garden or completing a daily food waste quiz to earn new characters, recipes, facts and coins. By cooperating with Coles supermarkets, players will be able to use these coins to redeem vouchers to exchange for natural looking fruits in store, or donate them to SecondBite and FoodBank Australia via the app. Why have we personified these blemished fruits into cute, loveable characters? To have consumers fall in love with their imperfections. Just like human-to-human connections, we want to stop people from “body shaming” fruits and start seeing their all-natural beauty and deliciousness. FruitMate will be iOS and Android compatible, making it an easily accessible educational game, moving future generations towards zero

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