An open source Data Duplication Device

Long description

Large Language Models are a thing that are gaining much traction and attention these days, because of how they were made accessible by ChatGPT. All that ChatGPT is, is an interface that sits on top of all the information that’s ever been put into the internet, since the history of the internet.

Whilst software companies have made it possible for us to put all that information into the internet, this thing wouldn’t exist if we hadn’t put all of our information, in the internet.

Our being the key word here.

Whilst the tech products we use on a daily basis become more and more abstract in how they work (aka we don’t have any grasp or understanding of where how and what we do in them is being monitored, stored and used), this basic principle remains the same — that without us, and the information we give them on a day by day, minute by minute, second by second basis, they wouldn’t exist.

I believe that the data that we generate, which powers these tech companies, can become an inspiring and infinitely renewable source of power for Us.

So often we’re made feel powerless as a result of the power we believe lies in the hands of the worlds governing organisations, yet their power is us.

iris is an open source piece of public software, that gives aims to give agency and access to every citizen of the power they create, in the daily data they generate.

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