A phygital game that locates springs and connects (educates and rewards) a chain of water-carers from source to sea.

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Clean water is valuable. We all feel a natural urge to care for it. People who live by water springs do that spontaneously. But, as waters follow their course, they’re used and wasted without care, leaving them progressively polluted before they find the ocean. This is both economic and environmental insanity. Itacaré draws upon modern technologies to build a phygital game that connects players into a chain of water-carers, gives them tools to work with (as individuals and in community) and financially rewards them for keeping water clean from source to sea. The game has an interactive map-like feature that’s used to plot water springs, track the quality of their waters and pin the location of each water-carer in the chain. Universities and schools build a virtual learning environment on water protection, entrepreneurship, innovation and circular economy. A social media interface connects water-carers to share experiences, track their progress and collaborate on joint tasks while earning for their service within a cryptocurrency and NFT dynamic. The game starts where the water is clean, at a water spring, with a water-carer that lives beside it. The chain begins. The water-carer neighbours are invited to join and the micro-basin around them is progressively taken care of. This dynamic is replicated at the neighbouring micro-basins. As the game goes downstream, the water-cared area gets bigger, and water-caring gets more valuable, proportionally. The main goal is to reach the Atlantic ocean. The final one? To reach every ocean on the Planet.

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