Loop Farms utilizes original technologies for a more resilient food future.

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Loop Farms are building resilient farm systems within city limits. Imagine walking through an urban neighborhood and buying fresh from the vine produce from your local farmer. By building within the existing infrastructure and designing to maximize harmony with nature, we grow fresh berries, legumes, mushrooms, and greens in urban farm units that can grow and adapt with the community. Loop Farms are developed to capture waste and convert it into energy, water, and, of course, food. By using existing and emerging technologies in a cohesive circular system Loop Farms is making farm-to-fork a zero-carbon proposition in densely populated urban environments. Where many existing urban farms are closing due to high resource use, Loop Farms are designed with a circular model in mind, by integrating building integrated agri-voltaics, anaerobic digestion, reverse osmosis water treatment and fogponic growing technology Loop Farms is creating a system that can integrate into city structures, is space efficient and does not drain the resources that are already scarce in urban environments. This is a crucial component of design for circularity and designing for the future. Beyond the reduction in environmental impact, Loop Farms is also driven to create new, green jobs for growing urban populations. Where agricultural work used to require a rural postcode, now agricultural work takes place within the concrete jungle. These jobs range from harvesting associates to plant scientists, the social impact of creating green jobs for growing urban

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