All-in-one corporate benefit platform that connects employees to farmers and turns every employee's expenses into socio-environmental impact

Long description

We are an All-in-one corporate benefit platform that connects employees to farmers and turns every employee’s expenses into socio-environmental impact.

For the HR department, we deliver convenience through our all-in-one platform with multiple benefits: meal, mobility, health, culture, awards, etc. For employees, we deliver a prepaid card to use anywhere and a digital wallet that allows payment in an exclusive Papayas network within organic family farmers and local entrepreneurs. A percentage of the transaction value is intended for decarbonization credits in clean energy and forest restoration projects.

Once the company has joined our solution, employees are part of an awareness journey that includes online talks led by nutritionists and specialists on regenerative food, sustainability, circular and creative economy, discount on appointments with nutritionists, discounts and cashback on composting solutions and “zero waste” products.

This way, we promote health and a better quality of life for employees and family farmers at the same time we are favoring ESG practices for the company and socio-environmental impact for the World.

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