Piss Soap is a regenerative soap made entirely out of human activity waste.

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After a global pandemic and in the midst of an environmental crisis, the conception of what is disgusting is narrowing to be more restrictive than ever. The constant fear and anxiety related to contamination promotes a more prude society, concerning the notion of filth and disgust. As Mary Douglas elaborated in Purity and Danger, dirt is only “matter out of place”. The idea of Piss Soap is to offer a new place for waste and discarded material that we load in trash bags and dispose of. The project offers a new cycle of life to waste, creating a circular economy and production that contributes actively to reducing our environmental impact, while benefiting directly our urban surroundings. Piss soap challenges our understanding of the binary of dirtiness and cleanliness. Can an object be made out of “gruesome” material but be beneficial to our health? Using only waste, Piss Soap invite the maker and user to realign their vision upon discarded matter. Are we constantly trashing matter that has the potential to be repurposed, recycled, and reused? Piss Soap proposes a deviant and yet conscious approach to tackle our waste issue, asking you to think twice next time you flush. The project creates a cognitive shift in our consumerist attitude and reflect on what is wrong with our current system: our social programming to buy, use, discard, repeat. Piss Soap takes a piss at capitalistic driven attitudes and proposes a new deviant and regenerative circular loop.

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