Vision and tradition based on recycling par excellence, offering the consumer a product with 100% Mexican history.

Long description

ATCLAN is a Mexican design studio located on the shores of the “altiplanicie pulquera” (HGO, MEXICO) that opens its doors in 2021, as a studio that creates exclusive pieces inspired by Mexican culture in general and made it from experimentation and exploration with recycled materials. In ATCLAN we offer pieces with artisan value without renouncing industrial advances and with a high margin of exploration that emphasizes environmental issues. Our mission is to fit into the Latin American landscape as one of the strongest studios, focused not only on exploration but also on the real and tangible development of products based on environmental education, generating a circular design strategy that involves the community with recycling campaigns proposing a new life cycle for the collected materials. In our Presagio collection we were able to focus all the energy and all the beauty of Mexico.

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