A Transparent, Efficient and Sustainable Government Building for All

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In recent years, the Philippines has focused on improving the efficiency of public services, efficiency of a work environment and the sustainability of the system that holds them – their built-environment. Architecture has made its way after extensive studying and thorough planning, the Province of Bataan, the “First” among the provinces in the country, has pioneered a building that holds these three main goals – the birth of the structure “The Bunker at the Capitol”.

One of the great features of the building is, it utilizes renewable energy (solar) where more than half of its energy needs come from it saving over a Million Pesos (US$ 19,000) per month.

The significance of the building is well justified by its operation being a “One-Stop-Shop” government facility in the country, where city, provincial and national government offices are located.   It conveniently provides efficient public services easing up and saving time and long commutes by the public in transacting with various government agency.  Just this year 2022, the province of Bataan formally adapts to digitalization which currently accelerates their services even more.  This is a success upon collaboration with Digital technology providers that has modified the business model and infrastructure of the Bunker. Transparency, Efficiency and Sustainability are the 3 Main discipline that the Bunker is imposing with its 4 major considerations: People, economy, environment and culture.  The integration of Architecture and Digitalization has brought these ‘disciplines and considerations’ into a physical structure where the population will not just imagine but experience.

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