uzzle is a modular furniture system that reuses, repurposes and recycles post consumer materials, such as plastic, fabrics and metals into a furniture system that fits different needs. What makes RE-Puzzle unique is it's modular and flexible set-up that can be fit into different scenarios depending on the needs. The modularity allows the user to explore their imagination and creativity to fit into the perspective room and set-up needed.

RE-Puzzle is a modular furniture system made of 2nd life materials.

Long description

RE-Puzzle is a modular furniture system that reuses, repurposes and recycles post consumer materials, such as plastic, fabrics and metals into a furniture system that fits different needs. Plastics used are mainly polypropylene sourced in post consumer and industrial environments. Fabrics used are a blend. Sources are company uniforms and a selection from the 350.000 kg of collected cloth items in the city of Haarlem Holland alone. Within this proces, main resources like cotton and wool in pure form are selected out. What remains is a blend of synthetics.

What makes RE-Puzzle unique is it’s modular and flexible set-up that can be fit into different scenarios depending on the needs. The modularity allows the user to explore their imagination and creativity to fit into the perspective room and set-up needed.

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