Sustainable fashion entrepreneurship based on the reuse and intervention of disused clothing with low environmental impact methods.

Long description

It is a project located in Valencia (Spain) conceived under the concept of upcycling. We intervene and transform unused garments. We start a new cycle, giving them a new style and an affordable price; using materials with low environmental impact.

The idea arose in 2019 when, as fashion consumers aware of the very high social and environmental impact that this industry generates, we observed that the supply of sustainable clothing is quite limited, aesthetically homogeneous and, above all, not very accessible. Products made ethically and/or with organic or recycled materials have a cost that many people cannot afford, especially young people.

Motivated by this challenge to solve this current ethical and economic problem of consumption and production, we applied to the Collab Las Naves program, the first Spanish public accelerator for startups of projects with social and environmental impact. We participated for two consecutive years in the pre-acceleration stage (where we were awarded as the best project) and acceleration that led us to launch to the market in early 2021.

We continue one more year linked to the institution, organizing a dialogue group of agents of the 5 helixes linked to the development of sustainable local fashion.

We start this 2023 by promoting our latest capsule collection through small product launches (drops).
Meanwhile, we are designing an itinerant pop-up proposal, standardizing our processes and studying alternative strategies of cooperative and circular work, very necessary for a project that today is only sustained with its own capital.

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