Brazil's first regenerative food subscription program

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In Brazil, 70% of the food on each plate is produced by small farmers (global average is 30-34%). Brazil is in a unique position to transition its food system into a regenerative food system, but the low value placed on fruits and garden vegetables presents a big challenge. There is a movement of regenerative farmers in our region of the atlantic forest, but we must urgently develop an immediate economic solution for these farmers to make a living, educate consumers and incentivize others to transition while their high-value fruit and lumber trees grow over time.

Our start-up has created the pilot Clube Muvuca program, Brazil’s first-to-market regenerative food subscription program. Our program builds on the classic CSA (community-supported agriculture) model, incorporating behavior-change science, social media savvy and consumer/farmer network-building. We provide club members with high-quality regenerative food on a weekly basis through our user-friendly website while connecting them personally to who grows their food.

On the consumer side, our business model reforms societal attitudes by not just providing regenerative food but also creates a community through online and in-person contact, courses, events and parties. Every member receives exclusive benefits while developing deep relationships with producers and a more profound understanding of their food system over time.

On the farmer side we develop a connected network, incorporating isolated farmers into logistics chains, capacitation groups, revenue-generating courses and events, and work groups to lobby for improvements in (regenerative) agricultural legislation.

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