Using regenerative design thinking to recycle organic waste into sustainable animal feed and fertilizer for animal and crop farmers.

Long description

Entofarms is an agricultural startup that empowers farmers by providing a cost-effective and sustainable feeding option in the animal husbandry industry. Through regenerative design thinking and recycling organic waste, Entofarms addresses the problem of feed insecurity by offering a niche-specific, sustainable solution for farmers that saves operating costs.

Globally, there is a growing shortage of grain-based feed (cereals and oilseeds) in the animal farming industry, primarily due to global warming and increasing food-feed competition caused by human consumption. The rising cost and decreasing supply of feed inspired the team to farm the Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae as a viable option. The Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae are a sustainable alternative, as they contain high levels of protein, lipids, and amino acids, and can reduce organic waste by 50-60%.

The goal of Entofarms is to significantly change traditional farming philosophy and inspire farmers to view the environment and farming as a regenerative unit of interrelated systems. In recent times, farmers have used a large amount of resources (feed, water, fertilizer, etc.) to meet food demand, with little consideration for how these resources and crop waste could be used to create a sustainable farming ecosystem.

We employ a restorative and regenerative business model that recycles crop waste to produce animal feed and organic fertilizer. By designing out waste and regenerating products in the agricultural sector, we are pioneering the use of a circular economy as a tool to combat the effects of global warming and climate change.

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