
Revuelta is a textile club that focuses on repair, customization, and upcycling clothes with the goal of avoiding post-consumer textile waste

Long description

There are currently several ways in which consumers revalue textile waste; repairing or mending has been identified as two of the activities that have managed to extend the useful life of textile products with greater success and that can generate in users the motivation to transition towards more sustainable use practices. Multiple investigations have identified that consumers play a very important role in reducing textile waste, simply by extending the use of their garments through different clothing preservation techniques. In the study “Consumer perceptions related to clothing repair and community mending events” by Sonali Didi and Ruoh Nan Yan, discover that 27% of the participants had a positive view of acquiring clothing repair and reuse skills, which affected the quality and life of the garment as well as influence consumer decisions. Thanks to this background and the need to promote better textile conservation practices. Revuelta was born, which is a textile club that focuses on repair, customization, and upcycling clothes. Our main goal is to take ownership of our garments in order to extend their useful life and avoid post-consumer textile waste. we do this through workshops, repair events, and most importantly exchange of knowledge and technical skills with our community. Our mission is to build a network of people, craftsmen, designers, volunteers and teachers to create awareness about waste and its negative impact on the environment. 


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