Online platform for parents to share through reuse kids items (clothes, books, board games and more) so that the life of items will be extended.

Long description

Because kids are growing out of their items (clothes, books, toys, games, board games and more) very quickly, buying always everything new would not only take a lot from family budget, but would be a lot of waste of resources. We encourage parents to recirculate kids items both for them and for others parents advantages.

At this moment, most parents throw their kids items in the garbage as items are no longer suitable for the kids age and a very small part tries to sell that items on various online small advertising platforms, where they last and cost a lot until the sale is completed. Often, this model, sale – collection – purchase is not viable to meet the need of parents: to secure the financing of the purchase of other items for their kids based on the use of the value of items that are not suitable for the children age.

We propose an innovative way to trade – SHARING TROUGH REUSE – using a simple and fast process: as soon as the need arises to get new items for children, parents will use the items that are no longer used to obtain based on them other items, suitable for children age.

In addition, parents will be much more aware of the environmental impact of their behavior has on using the linear model of buying items and the reusing of old items will be much easier adopted by them being also financially advantageous.

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