SubSano is a regenerative furniture that provides nutrients to the ecosystem and promotes the interaction of people in public spaces.

Long description

SubSano is a proposal for regenerative furniture that provides nutrients to the ecosystem and promotes the interaction of people in public spaces.

The biodesign of the “Sub-Sano” is mainly based on the idea of converting materials into substrate (environmental and social) and integrating into the public space to generate spaces for dialogue, learning and recreation. This is how we regenerate socially and environmentally.

“Sub-Sano” is a chair when it becomes a place, however it is still a block. The block can “connect” with each other to generate stability when building, which, like toy blocks, can be educational and interactive. We use digital manufacturing to give rise to “distributive design” which allows its global distribution through bits that travel anywhere in the world to materialize locally.

We have developed an investigation on local mycologies working with experts for the identification, collection and propagation of specimens from the area and from this we created a remedial proposal.

“Mycelium is an important food source for many soil invertebrates. They are vital to agriculture and are important to almost all plant species, many species coevolving with fungi.”

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