An ecofriendly fashion swapping platform for women that lets you swap gorgeous pieces from your closet with pieces from a shared community wardrobe.

Long description

SWOP SIS is an initiative addressing the fashion expectations of women in professional sectors that are often male-dominated.

We recognise that for many women, there can be substantial pressure to dress a certain way to fit in, or there can be significant cultural shifts in clothing style.

  • For some women, the standard dress code requires conformity and dressing as non-confrontational as possible.
  • For others, fitting in means renouncing traditional cultural garments.
  • In professions that are male-dominated, this environment hits hardest on those of us who belong to marginalised groups.

Acquiring an office-appropriate wardrobe can be a significant hurdle for many women, especially for migrant women of colour, LGBTQIA+ individuals and those coming from low-income households who already struggle with personal and social hardships – let alone buy a new outfit for an interview.

We aim to ease the burden of this process by providing affordable professional clothing and instilling confidence in all women to express their true selves.

We also recognise the role of a circular fashion economy. We want to raise awareness of environmentally sustainable alternatives to fast fashion. By swapping or donating your clothes, you’ll help your community decrease its carbon and water footprint by up to 30%.

Ultimately, our goal is to empower professional women to discover their unique style that builds their confidence at work while also protecting our environment.

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