IKEA Circular Collection

Transforming rectangular second-hand IKEA products into circular ones to create a communicative tool that oozes circularity, literally.

Long description

Tapping into the continuous stream of online second-hand furniture sales, artist Sander Plug transforms two second-hand rectangular IKEA products, the Lerhamn table and the Halved rug, into circular versions to create a communicative tool that oozes circularity. Make it circular literally and figuratively.

His aim is to promote a movement and mentality centered on sustainability and the circular economy. By transforming second-hand IKEA products into communicative tools, he is encouraging individuals to play a role in this movement and live a more circular life. To join, people can download open source instructions on how to turn their own second-hand IKEA purchases into something new and circular. By sharing their own creations online, the community grows and circularity becomes more visible in everyday life. This approach not only raises awareness about the importance of sustainability, but it also empowers individuals to take concrete steps towards creating a more circular future.

Plug renders second-hand IKEA products circular in the most straightforward way. By using the whole rectangular surface of the product, he transforms it with (length x width) = π x radius² into a matching circulair surface with a minimal loss of material. Leaving him with a minimum amount of puzzle pieces to precisely break up the square corners and methodically make the new circular sides. All this using inexpensive and common tools like a saw, box cutter, screw driver, wood glue and some tape.

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