Tiny Farm Lab

Rural design, research, and innovation lab where multidisciplinary creatives work closely with indigenous communities to shape circular futures.

Long description

Excessive use of industrialized building materials continues to push society toward an ecological crisis.

In contrast, indigenous cultures in India have a deep understanding of living in harmony with nature and using circular materials. Also, we are witnessing technological advancements in the new materials economy globally.

However, the lack of knowledge exchange, collaborative platforms, and resources inhibit the innovation and acceptance of these materials.

Our mission is to provide resources, experiences, and spaces to empower and inspire creators and indigenous communities to foster regenerative futures.

Tiny Farm Lab is a rural circular design, research, build, and innovation laboratory where indigenous wisdom, art, science, design, and technology merge to rediscover ancient practices, bring out newer perspectives and shape circular futures.

It is a breeding ground for circular entrepreneurs where intellectual capital meets social capital. A platform where agents of positive change from multiple disciplines collaborate with the locals in an inspiring environment, exchange knowledge, and test & realize their ideas to generate symbiotic circular economies.

The lab had its genesis in radically reaccessing and rethinking our necessities – food, clothing, and shelter. Currently, working on the theme of ‘shelter,’ we are constructing phase-I of our pilot lab in a forest in a remote village near Rishikesh, India. Apart from being a learning lab and a platform to collaborate, it is an exhibition in the shape of a community-built hand-sculpted cob house, showcasing an eclectic mix of products, installations, and projects made using a diverse range of circular building materials.

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