
A glass bottle can be transformed into innovative products and generate economic opportunities for women to change their reality.

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We can have a beer or juice in maybe 30 minutes, but did you know that if we don’t recycle that bottle, nature will take 4,000 years to degrade it.

Our project wants to demonstrate that a glass bottle can be a trigger for TRANSFORMATION:

Transform waste: We extend the life cycle of a bottle by turning it into jewelry, tabletops, promotional items, decorative items and we are currently innovating in creating recycled glass tiles that can be used as substitutes in the construction industry.

Transform the lives of women: We train women that are in a vulnerable situation to start recycling glass bottles, giving an environmental benefit to society, since their raw material will be the bottles that people throw away.

Transform environmental awareness: We show society the potential of a glass bottle before considering it garbage.

Cerrando el ciclo (Closing the cycle) is a hybrid project, it consists of a nonprofit organization, founded in 2014, dedicated to train women as recycling entrepreneurs. And in 2019, we created Cerrando el ciclo Mexico, today certified B Company, which has the purpose to innovate in products, processes, machinery, and tools to promote entrepreneurship with the recycling of glass bottles. In addition, to are an important ally for companies that have products in glass containers or jars, through all-in-one programs of gathering and recycling of glass bottles and promotion of environmental education on proper waste management.

We make the ordinary into something extraordinary

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