A platform enabling people to use and reuse clothing made of sheep’s wool with the help of knitting technology.

Long description

While microplastics from clothing are already found on top of the Himalaya, a concerning amount of sheep’s wool in Europe goes to waste. The fashion industry is a wasteful business, but so are our consumption habits. A study from 2018 revealed that 65% of the clothes in Austria’s wardrobes were never worn within the last 12 months.

How can we enable more caring and cherishing relationships to the materials we wear? How do we design fashion for circularity on a planet facing scarcity?

Starting from these questions our platform aims to provide tools and services to support people in using and reusing clothing made of sheep wool. We are convinced the desire for a changing wardrobe can be fulfilled while using only a very limited amount of high quality material.

Our process suggests keeping the wool in the loop over several garment life cycles by a process of unravelling and re-knitting unused knitwear. An online simulation software will help users imagine this transformation process from one garment to another.

Circular Knitwear patterns specifically designed for the disassembly process ensure a smooth transition from one piece to the next. These can be easily unknitted using the Unravelling Machine, a workbench inviting users to participate.

The platform in development will offer space for wool users and other stakeholders along the garment supply chain to connect, share and collaborate.

LOVED CLOTHES LAST! The project encourages building lasting bonds with the clothes we wear, while respecting the people and creatures involved in their creation.

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