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Make school’s uniform easy to repair and unique for every teenager

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How can we educate teenagers about sustainable and inclusive fashion ?

This is the question we are facing in our project after exploring the topics of fast fashion, sustainable design and circular economy. The main target of fast fashion brands are young adults aged between 18 and 25 years old. These consumers select clothes that are accessible in a wide variety at low prices which makes them renewable, or at least makes them SEEM renewable. So how can we change mentalities, the way we behave, consume and desire ? That’s where our concept “UNIQ” begins, to reach this wide range of consumers before they build their habits.

The idea of UNIQ is a service involving several local actors that could provide children with a new kind of school uniform. It’s an idea meant to operate in both public and private schools, help attenuate social differences and sensitize children to alternative consumption approaches before they reach independence since they represent 5 billion euros worth of expenses each year in France. 


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