Unique pieces from pre-loved materials that proof sustainable clothes can be bold and responsible at the same time!

Long description

el.résidu stands for residue, which means remaining, left-overs or unused.
With this brand I want to show the beautyness of left-over, pre-loved & vintage fabrics and turn them into new unique pieces.
5% Of the total CO2 emissions are coming from the textile/fashion industry. It is my aim to give clothes back the value they deserve, by designing timeless, unique items that can be styled in multiple ways.
I believe that if you want to change the world, you have to start by yourself first. Since I didn’t want to contribute to this polluting environment anymore, I decided to do things my way. With el.résidu I try my best to reduce the pollution by up-cycling materials that already exist and giving them a second chance to live. Through this way of working, I try to keep my footprint as small as possible and do my part on making this world a better place! Besides reducing and reusing materials, it is also my aim to shine light on the actual makers behind the brand, which are in my eyes the real artists!
I really see the way of working with my partners as a co-creation, where we work together on the designs as a (dream)team. It is my goal to create more consciousness about the whole production process of clothes, which is kept in the dark for way too long!

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