This document is a proposal for scaling up of the micro-enterprise and value chain development model through producer institutions and non-profits in

Long description

Knowledge and practice of women’s employment in the informal sector, have shown that women contribute considerably to the wealth of Kenya (and indeed, in most parts of the developing world)  through their labor power but have not got the returns   commensurate   with   their   efforts.   A   variety   of   constraints   including patriarchy, lack of skills, limited training opportunities, and restricted mobility have prevented women from improving their capacities to sustain their livelihoods and enter strategic employment opportunities in new market conditions.


Some of the regions are remote, with poor infrastructure and insurgency affected. Women’s abilities are therefore more severely constrained in these regions and, while women can interact in local markets (albeit in generally exploitative relationships), they cannot reach markets beyond.


Gender inequality is stark in this respect and while the development domain may have made gains in helping women in transactional ways (SHGs, microfinance activities, formula-based bank linkages), the transformative ways (life-changing skills and capabilities1) still elude them.

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