Spiral Village:

Spiral Village: 3d printed prototype for Circular Economy Village in Australia

Gari Ecológico

Sustainability I care, together making a difference

STILL Circular Design Kitchens

We create high-end circular kitchens on subscription, while reducing millions of tons of waste from traditional kitchen sales.

RE-concreto MX

Concrete elements made from waste materials from construction industry, just as functional and attractive with environmental contribution


Retreasure lets users earn from their waste!


Nirvana an Events company to bring the Cultures on Musical Events.

Safe Kibondo App

Technology impact in real life! Use of sensors to ensure safety of children and strength bond of connectivity between children and parents.

Éwà Poranga

Learning experience that transforms the way of seeing the world, creating fashion with cultural identity and socio-environmental awareness.


Learning experience that transforms the way of seeing the world, creating fashion with cultural identity and socio-environmental awareness.