
A series of "naked" food dishes without any packaging.

Estação Circular

We transform post-consumer packaging into circular products and benefits.



Mineralloop is a new craft that gives unwanted glassware/ceramic an exclusive coating made with local waste minerals.


None of us are different, we just look different, life is part of one whole, and we are all in the same boat

Fashion chain circularity

The IS.NAU vision is a low-cost participatory certification platform for a more sustainable and circular fashion supply chain

Matterpieces by studio8

Matterpieces is a new movement for circular architecture and the new generation of cladding materials made from demolition waste.



Hand-loomed hemp recovery initiative to disrupt conventional fashion production

Agroplastic Community Garden

We want to scale up our furniture production into a construction material to adapt our community center at Cihuatlan.

Naturalis Vintage

Naturalis Vintage is a partnership company pioneering in Slow Fashion, which reverses back knitted and crocheted products back into yarn.