Solar Lanterns from E-waste

Quadloop is a clean tech company that utilizes electronic waste to build solar lanterns and home systems with a lower environmental impact.

Agropelo: Mulch of human hair

Agropelo is a mulch of human hair that save up to 48% of water for irrigation and regenerate the soil

KleanGreen Feel Good Lifestyle

Klean-Green offers ethical, sustainable & carbon neutral alternatives to SUP products for all eco-conscious consumers & enables women empowerment.


Transforming a glass bottle

A glass bottle can be transformed into innovative products and generate economic opportunities for women to change their reality.

Blue Filter

Treating water in environmentally friendly ways that are free of any harmful effects on humans and the environment


We empower communities to construct sheletrs out of plastic waste while reducing plastic waste and creating their own employment.


Sometimes solutions are spinning right in front of you.

Cacao Source

With Cacao Source, we aim to offer the highest quality, single-origin cacao in the most transparent, authentic, and honest way possible.

Carbon Sink Boxes

Our solution can be described as a technology and an input that enable restoration for trees.